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Export or print booking data

Head to the list page! Filter the data then export or print.

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Written by Team Skedda
Updated this week

We offer reporting on the List view page for all System users. Exporting/printing bookings will give you a good overview of your booking data in Skedda. For further analysis of your bookings, check out the Insights page.

Please check out our FAQs section for more info!

Filter: Customize the bookings you see

Depending on what you're looking for, it can be useful to filter your booking data. Use the date picker at the top, then filter by booking type, payment status, or user.

For example, filter to all unpaid user bookings for the months of July to September.

The search bar also helps if you are looking for specific information in the booking title, space names, or custom fields.

Export: Send this data to Excel or CSV

Click on the List View. To the right-hand side find the 'Export' button. You can then choose whether to export to an XLSX or CSV file. Here's a list of the information that will be included in the file:

  • Scheduled start

  • End

  • Duration (minutes)

  • Spaces count

  • Type

  • Title

  • Price

  • Payment Status

  • Holder first name

  • Holder last name

  • Holder organization

  • Holder telephone

  • Holder email

  • Holder tags

  • Created

  • Gateway charge reference

  • Spaces

  • Any info from any Custom Fields that you may have set up

Here is a short video on how to export bookings, some tips on formatting the exported data, and creating a pivot table and graph.

Print: Prepare the data to be printed

Click on the List View. To the right-hand side find the 'Print' button. Choose which data you want to include on the print. The date and time for each booking will automatically be included, but you can include or exclude the following data:

  • Spaces

  • Holder

  • Title

  • Price / Payment status

  • Any info from any Custom Fields that you may have set up

There's also a 'Save paper by abbreviating' setting. If checked, this forces each booking to only occupy a one-line-of-text row in the printout. This is done by abbreviating any text that would otherwise wrap to a new line with "...". If you want all information to be included, uncheck this option.

After you click 'Ok, print', your browser will show you a preview and will often give you further options (paper orientation, paper size, scale, etc.).


Can't see the filter or search bar on the Lists view page?

If you or someone at your venue is unable to see the search bar and filter on the List view page, it is because they are not a System user, but a regular user. Regular users will only be able to see their own bookings and all other bookings made visible to them according to your Content and Visibility rules in your Access and Visibility Settings. You can read more about User Access levels here.

Can I print the Day or Month view?

At this stage, Skedda does not offer a direct option to print the 'Day' or 'Month' view. Consider using a browser-screenshot tools/extensions for this task.

Where are these buttons on my phone/tablet?

This function is not currently shown on smaller devices (mobiles, tablets).

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