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Adding and inviting your users

How do I share my venue? How do I invite others to Skedda? Can users self-register?

Team Skedda avatar
Written by Team Skedda
Updated over a month ago

There are a few options to get your users into your Skedda venue:

This process will depend on your configured settings (e.g. private mode or custom behavior using user tags).

User Self-registration

According to your Access and visibility settings, your venue may be accessed through your unique venue URL or a shareable-link. You'll find your venue's URL in the browser URL bar, for example

If you're planning on taking bookings from the general public, share your venue URL on something like your website or Facebook page. Anyone visiting your venue URL can then self-register when they create their first self-service booking.

Adding / Inviting Users

There are two ways to add users to Skedda from your Users list. Remember, adding users to Skedda is really only necessary if your venue URL is private or if you are planning to use user tags.

1. Registration / Invitation Link

This is the preferred method to add one or many users at once. You cannot add System users using this method (for that, see option 2 below).

Click on the invite button, copy and paste the link, and share it with an unlimited number of individuals (via email, SMS, webpage, community platform etc.)

Optionally select one or more user tags so that individuals register with the visibility and booking permissions that you want them to have.

We also have a super-short video tutorial on how to do this:

To see what the user sees when they click on the invitation link, just log out and follow the link yourself!

2. Manually Add a User

This method is used for adding users one at a time. If allowed, they will be added to your Users list immediately and will be sent an invitation link to finalize their registration. With this method, you can add a System user straight from this screen.

Add the user's details and optionally give them a set of custom tags.

The user will be sent an email invitation, inviting them to complete their login. All that's involved is agreeing to Skedda's software terms and privacy policy (and your own custom terms if you decide to include them), and creating a password or using an existing social login (Google, Twitter, Facebook or Microsoft).

Remember, by using this approach you must have permission from the user to add their personal contact details to Skedda (this is stated in our venue terms). For this reason, we generally recommend the first option, which also happens to be much less manual work!

Also, in order to comply with strict data privacy regulations, if a user is listed in another Skedda venue you may not be able to add them manually. Instead send them an invitation link, and then come back to apply any necessary tags.

Inviting your users is of course a core part of getting setup, so please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions on the process!

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