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Hours of Availability

Choose the opening times for your venue and hide any extra hours from your schedule.

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Written by Team Skedda
Updated this week

The hours of availability settings page is where you can customize when your venue is open and choose to just show the hours relevant to your users.

To learn more about making exceptions, just having a booking system for a few days (conference, event, etc.), and more check out the FAQs.

Hours of Availability

Hours of availability are your venue's opening times. If bookable spaces have different opening times select 'Add more hours'. Create up to 200 rules for various spaces, hours, and days of the week.

Times outside of these hours will be displayed in a darker shade of gray on your scheduler. Regular users will not be able to book outside of these times. However, System users, such as Booking Admin, can create bookings outside of the hours of availability!

Scheduler Display Hours

You likely have times of the day at which bookings will never occur (e.g. very early in the morning or late at night). You can remove these superfluous hours from the scheduler day mode by specifying just the time range you want to show. Optimizing the display of the day mode means you and your users won't have to scroll past irrelevant hours... particularly helpful for mobile devices!


How can I make one-time changes to the hours of availability (e.g. public holidays, maintenance windows)?

System users can create unavailable type bookings to block out dates and times. This might be for public holidays, one-off closures, or maintenance times. Use the repeat/recurring feature to block out several days in a row or a pattern of calendar days. For example, create a full-day, all-space, yearly-repeating booking of the unavailable type on January 1 to make New Year's Day unavailable each year.

Can I have my venue open for just a few days (event, conference, convention, etc.)?

Yes! Block off all of the other days with an unavailable type booking that repeats all-day, every day, for a long time. Make the days you would like to take bookings exceptions to this repeating series. Send your users to the booking page for your event date (

Is it possible to make an exception to the hours of availability (i.e. open up a few extra hours for users to book for one day only)?

To do this change your hours of availability to the extended hours. Then block off the extra hours on all of the regular days with a repeating unavailable type booking (shown above). Alternatively, System users can make bookings for users outside of your hours of availability.

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