Markdown Formatting

Use Markdown to format text in Skedda

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Written by Team Skedda
Updated over a week ago

Note - Nov. 21 2022: We are releasing a new text editor (what you see is what you get)! It will no longer be necessary to format text in the spaces description, confirmation email, or custom fields with markdown syntax.

If you don't notice this in your account just yet, you will see it in a few days.

Markdown is used to add formatting to text such as bold, italics, links, lists, headers, etc. Skedda uses some parts of the Markdown syntax and it can be used in various settings pages.

Markdown Syntax

Use the formatting on the left side of the table below as a guide for what to put in your settings pages. Copy/paste it directly from the left and then edit the text if you are running into display issues. The right side of the table shows how it should appear.

Format (input)

How it looks in Skedda (output)




# Alternative heading #



# Heading level 1

## Heading level 2

### Heading level 3

#### Heading level 4

##### Heading level 5

###### Heading level 6





``` three back-ticks ```



* Bullet 1

- Bullet 2

+ Bullet 3

(choose one style)

Numbered List (also with bullets):

1. First item

2. Second item

3. Third item

- Indented item

- Indented item

4. Fourth item

Any line beginning with a number and a period will automatically create an ordered list. Keep your number out of a list by putting a backslash before the period.

10. This will format as a list starting from ten

9. Regardless of the number, the list will continue in order

10\. Not a list now


Horizontal rule with 3 dashes (blank line above/below)


or with 3 asterisks


Places to use Markdown

Space Description

Settings > Spaces > Description

This section allows for all of the formatting described in the table above.

Booking Confirmation Email

Settings > Custom information > Content added to the booking confirmation email

Markdown cannot be used here to create hyperlinks. Just leave the links without any formatting ( Some email providers/clients will turn these into hyperlinks automatically (Gmail), others will intentionally prevent these from being hyperlinked for phishing and spam reasons (Outlook). Your users will be able to copy/paste this into their URL bar instead.

In settings:

### Thanks for booking with us!


#### Things to do:

1. Fill out the form here:

2. Call us at _123-4567_

In email (Gmail):

Confirmation check-in

Settings > Check-in > Check-in Rule > Confirmations on Check-in

Only text formatting here - no back-ticks, headings, bullets, lists, rules or comments.

In settings:



In booking window during check-in window:

Custom Field Checkbox

Settings > Custom fields > Checkbox

Only text and link formatting - no headings, bullets, lists, rules or comments.

Custom Field Help Text

Settings > Custom fields > All except Checkbox

Single and Multi-line text, Single and Multi-select dropdown, and Number custom fields have an option to enter Help Text. This can be formatted with Markdown, but only text and hyperlinks.


You can't include:

  • HTML with the characters '<' '>'

  • Code blocks

  • Block quotes

  • Images

When in doubt, test it out! View your changes from a test user account on multiple devices (web browser and app) to make sure all of the formatting (spaces, #, periods, etc.) is correct.

Take your marks... Markdown!

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